Campus and Distance Learning Courses
Pinnacle College Ghana (established by Stephen Ogum in June 2015 in the heart of New Achimota)
is a private Tertiary Institution which provides relevant academic and professional Training in the areas of Language Proficiency, business administration, ICT and management.
It is an Institution with equal access for male and female environment. Currently the college operates three(3) departments: English Language Literacy, ICT and Business Administration. Nationals from neighboring African Countries such as Congo, Benin, Togo, Equatorial Guinea, Cote D’voire, Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Guinea form part of the student population.

Pinnacle College Ghana (créé par Stephen Ogum en juin 2015 au cœur du nouvel Achimota)
est une institution tertiaire privée qui dispense une formation académique et professionnelle pertinente dans les domaines des compétences linguistiques, de la gestion d'entreprise, des TIC et de la gestion.
C'est une institution avec un accès égal pour les hommes et les femmes. Actuellement, le collège gère trois (3) départements: alphabétisation anglaise, TIC et administration des affaires. Les ressortissants de pays africains voisins tels que le Congo, le Bénin, le Togo, la Guinée équatoriale, la Côte d'Ivoire, le Burkina Faso, le Nigéria et la Guinée font partie de la population étudiante.
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Pinnacle College, a tertiary institution, emphasizes academic and use modern state art academic facility to train and equip visionaries and leaders who would positively impact their generation.
To be a leading Centre of Excellence in Training and Equipping Visionaries and Leaders to have positive impact on their generation.
Pinnacle College seeks to pass on an appetite for quality and honesty in Service. 1. Quality- The commitment to attain higher standards and expectations. 2.Honesty- A life that matches convictions with actions. Honesty encompasses uprightness, authenticity and trust worthiness 3. Service -The willingness to serve humanity in a selfless manner.
Pinnacle College est , un établissement d'enseignement supérieur qui met l'accent sur les études en utilisant des installations académiques modernes pour former et équiper des visionnaires et des leaders qui auront un impact positif sur leur génération.
Être un centre d'excellence en formation équipant de visionnaires et de leaders pour avoir un impact positif sur leur génération.
Pinnacle College cherche à transmettre le désire d' un service d’honnêteté et de qualité.
Our Core Values
Our Vision
Our Mission
Copyright © 2019 Pinnacle College. All Rights Reserved | Powered by Pinnacle College: Research and Business Development Department
TEL: (233) 0244 233 745

Welcome to Pinnacle College, a real scholarly haven where leadership is developed and knowledge acquired for global impact.
With a mission of producing students who become visionaries and leaders making positive impact globally and leaving indelible footprints, this college offers professional courses in Business Administration, Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Language Proficiency leading to the award of graduate degree, degree, higher national diploma, diploma in business studies and certificates.
Pinnacle College is well stocked with both human and capital resources, making studies very effective and conducive. We have pundit staff who always go the extra mile to help students attain their dreams and solve problems. We are truly committed to the intellectual and professional development of our students.
At Pinnacle College, we prepare our students to be analytical, critical and highly innovative in order not to compromise on moral and professional standards. At the end of the program from Pinnacle College, students receive training that meet the demands of industry due to the avenues created for students to receive practical industrial experience.
In addition, students need not worry about accommodation because the college has made hostel (which is just a stone throw away from the campus) arrangements for those who need them. Foreign students can call the college office from their home countries to book and reserve a room all the time. Internet services are also always available even off campus (especially in communities closer to the campus) via Wi-Fi.
We do have students from all over the world, more especially from francophone West Africa and this widens the network base of our students making them share in the cultural diversity that the African continent is enjoying.Studying at the Pinnacle College is very exciting and rewarding as the staff do not only teach but also render holistic counselling session as and when needed.
It is for these reasons and more that we look forward to having you join us to materialize your desire to climb the highest academic ladder in a pleasant and homelike scholarly environ.